Mu sho by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi, 2000
eMirror Vol 29, No. 5
Friday, January 31st, 2025
Edited by the Practice Council
The White Wind Zen Community:
An international community practising and teaching Dogen’s Zen since 1985.
What we want to know is what Knowing in Itself is, what knows what it is that we are experiencing moment after moment, after moment, after moment. We find that things like logic are not sufficient because it is always too partial. Like we can say, “Michael has red hair. Michael is a man. Anzan roshi is a man. Therefore Anzan roshi has red hair”, and you know that is not true. The other thing is that we could say “Michael has red hair. Michael is a man”. Define your terms. What is a man? Who is Michael? Really?
You know, logic tends to break down if we start to look at the whole context of what it is being referred to. Now logic is a very useful thing. It is a tool. But it is a very small way of knowing about anything. Poetry is a way of knowing about things and it is a very small way of knowing about things too.
In order to know what our experience is, we have to experience it. So first of all, we have to see how we become confused about our experience and clarify it, because that clarification of confusion is the deepening of wisdom and we use wisdom to penetrate into what it is that Knows.
So: we talk about mindfulness.
First of all, mindfulness is bringing ourselves back to this moment, finding out what our experience really is. So there is this sense of effort, bringing ourselves back. When that is more spontaneous - that is to say you don’t have to bring yourself back, you are simply here - and when a thought arises you spontaneously recognize it as a thought, and we can call that just simply attention. It is not mere attention - that is to say the attention that gets lost in a thought or that identifies with this or that - it’s just bare attention. When this is continuous, actually more radical ways of knowing things start to come into play more and more.
For example, when you get lost in a thought, you wake up and you come back to the breath… And then there is a sound. Attention moves to the sound, so you are attending to one thing and then to another thing and then to another thing. There is a succession of things that you are attending to and it is shifting. What is in these shifts? What are you aware of in between those things? When that begins to become clear to you, then this is attentiveness. When you can use that kind of mind to penetrate more thoroughly into your experience and that is more continuous, then we can call this “prajna”, or “radical insight” or “wisdom”. None of these things are states, trying to produce a particular state or trying to gather information about anything. It is simply attending more and more fully to our experience so that through this attention, through this attending, we can actually inquire into what attention in itself is, what Awareness in Itself is.
So is there anything else that anyone would like to talk about this morning? (By the way this juzu isn’t 150 years old either. I just thought I would mention that.)
- Continuing "Confusion is the Mother of Wisdom", from a Dharma Assembly presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, May 1991
The Hatto (for formal sittings)
The Zendo (for associate and general sittings)
Practice Schedule and Upcoming Events
Formal Sittings for WWZC Students: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Mornings The formal sittings begin at 6:00 a.m. You would need to arrive by 5:45 in time for First Bell. The sitting ends at 7:25 with the Chants. Following that there is a Daruma-kata Aiki review which ends at about 7:50. If you need to leave before the kata, please let us know that in advance by sending an email to
Saturday Morning General Sitting for WWZC Students: The general sitting begins at 9:30 a.m. You would need to arrive by 9:15 a.m., in time for First Bell. The sitting ends at 11:45 a.m. Some general students attend the 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning formal sitting, stay for breakfast and then attend the general sitting. If you stay for breakfast, there is a $5 contribution which can be made through Eventbrite: Register for Saturday Breakfast. Proceeds from meals go to White Wind Zen Community.
Monday and Thursday Evening Associate Sittings for WWZC Students: The associate sitting begins at 7:30 p.m. You would need to arrive by 7:15 p.m., in time for First Bell. The sitting ends at 9:10 p.m.
Friday (Hosan): There are no formal sittings scheduled at the monastery on Fridays, but you are expected to sit at home if you have committed to sitting zazen daily.
Sunday Formal Sitting: The Sunday morning formal sittings are reserved for monastics, formal students, and probationary formal students. It starts at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 10:10 a.m. with the chants. Following that there is a Daruma-kata Aiki which ends at about 10:30 a.m.
Fusatsu (Renewal of Vows): February 12th and 26th.
Introduction to Zen Workshop Ottawa: The next two Introduction to Zen Workshops will take place on Saturday, February 1st at 1:45 p.m. and March 1st at 1:45 p.m. To register:; for more information please see
Dharma Assembly
A Dharma Assembly (a full day of retreat that all formal, general and associate students may attend) will take place on Saturday, February 22nd, led by Jinmyo sensei. A Dharma Talk will be presented. For those attending the full day, three vegetarian meals will be provided along with instruction for informal oryoki; there will be instruction in the Daruma Kata-aiki, and students will meet with monastics for daisan (meeting with Jinmyo sensei) and practice interview (meeting with Mishin godo and Saigyo ino).
The Dharma Assembly will begin with the 6:00 a.m. formal sitting (please arrive by 5:45 in time for First Bell). The general sitting will take place as normally scheduled, beginning at 9:30 a.m. (general students attending should arrive by 9:15 in time for First Bell).
Seating is limited and registration is required. Full day participation is required.
Register for the Dharma Assembly
Nehan O-sesshin:
The Nehan O-sesshin begins at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9th and ends on Sunday, February 16th at noon. Students attending are reminded to send their schedules as soon as possible.
Commemoration of the Buddha’s Death (Nehan-e) February 15th.
A Sitting for Associate and General Students During the Nehan O-sesshin:
A combined sitting for associate and general students will take place in the Zendo on Saturday, February 15th. Arrival time is 9:15 a.m. (in time for First Bell). The sitting ends at 11:30 a.m. Students attending are reminded to remain on the first floor. Seating is limited and registration is required. Register for the Combined Sitting
Cancelled Associate Sitting:
The Monday February 10th associate sitting that would normally take place at 7:30 p.m. is cancelled due to the O-sesshin.
Cancelled Associate Sitting:
The Thursday February 13th associate sitting that would normally take place at 7:30 p.m. is cancelled due to the O-sesshin.
A Note to Preliminary and Public Students Concerning O-sesshin:
During an O-sesshin the schedule is such that there is no time to meet face to face with preliminary students or to reply to email correspondence sent by public students. Public students are asked to send their weekly practice journals, as they will be reviewed. But unless there is something that needs an immediate reply, you will not receive an email reply until the week following the O-sesshin.
Dharma Assembly
A Dharma Assembly (a day of retreat that all formal, general and associate students may attend) will take place on Saturday, February 22nd from 9:30 am to 9 pm, (please arrive in time for First Bell at 9:15 a.m.) led by Jinmyo sensei. A Dharma Talk will be presented. For those attending the full day, three vegetarian meals will be provided along with instruction for informal oryoki; there will be instruction in the Daruma Kata-aiki, and students will meet with monastics for daisan (meeting with Jinmyo sensei) and practice interview (meeting with Mishin godo and Saigyo ino). Registration for the Dharma Assembly is now full. Students who wish to be added to the waitlist should email schedule at wwzc dot org.
Cancelled general sitting:
The Saturday February 22nd general sitting that would normally take place at 9:30 a.m. is cancelled due to the Dharma Assembly.
The Roshi is continuing an extended period of hermitage due to underlying health issues until the COVID-19 situation clarifies.
Long Distance Training Program:
For students living an hour or more commuting distance from the monastery in Ottawa, please visit this Web Page:
What to do if you Arrive After the Sitting Begins
If you arrive after the sitting starts and the door is locked, you don't need to turn around and go home. Ring the bell once and then sit on the bench on the front porch. If possible, we will come and unlock the door for you right away. If we are in the middle of the chants or listening to a teisho, we will come to let you in as soon as the teisho finishes.
Retreats and Training Sessions
General student Rowan Russell sat a one-day retreat on Thursday, January 23rd at Dainen-ji. General public student Beth Buerkle sat a one-day retreat on Tuesday, January 28th at her home in Chamcook, New Brunswick. General public student Tracey Parker sat a half-day retreat on Wednesday, January 29th at her home in Perth, Ontario. Associate student Sam MacFarlane sat a partial retreat on Wednesday, January 29th at Dainen-ji.
If you are a student of Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi and would like to sit a retreat at Dainen-ji, please email to register a week in advance. For further information please visit this page:
If you are a public student and would like to sit a retreat at home please follow the schedule outlined in this page: After your retreat, please send an email to to confirm that you sat a retreat and include the duration and location.
If you would like to engage in a training session either at the monastery or at home by aligning with the schedule of the monastery, please read the information on this page:
Recorded Teachings Schedule
February 1st to February 8th
General sitting Saturday, February 1st: Zen Arts: The Flowering of the Senses by Zen Master Anzan Hoshin: Teisho 6: Mind is Not Mind (37 minutes)
Formal sitting Sunday, February 2nd: SAkN Oceans of Realms: Zen Master Anzan Hoshin's Commentaries on the Vow of Samantabhadra: Teisho 12: Samantabhadra Sadhana (17 minutes)
Associate sittings Monday, February 3rd and Thursday, February 6th: "The Touchstone" by Ven. Jinmyo Renge sensei: Dharma Talk 10: Serenity is Not Special (18 minutes)
General sitting Saturday, February 8th: Five Fingers, Ten Directions: Zen Master Anzan Hoshin's Commentaries on Dogen zenji's "Jippo": Teisho 1: Opening comments (7 minutes)
Listening to Teisho and Dharma Talks
Associate and general students should continue to follow the recorded Teachings schedule for the sitting you were attending at the monastery, and listen to that during your home practice. Teisho and Dharma Talks are presented during sittings and so should be listened to while you are sitting.
You can access the online Recorded Teachings Library at
Please note that recorded teisho should be listened to in the correct order and with none missed out as themes, metaphors, questions are raised and answered from different angles throughout each series.
Recorded Teachings for Public Access
While most of the online Recorded Teachings library is password-protected and only accessible to students of the Lineage of Zen Master Anzan Hoshin, a small selection of MP3 recordings of teisho are accessible to the public at Additional recordings will be uploaded periodically. MP3 recordings of four recorded teisho by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi are currently available:
Dharma Position
Eyes See, Ears Hear
Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi's reading of his translation of Eihei Dogen zenji's “Bendowa: A Talk on Exerting the Way”:
Translations and Texts
Photograph of Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Daijozan, mid-1980s,
by Ven. Shikai Zuiko sensei
Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi has recently completed translation work on some shorter texts by Eihei Dogen zenji from the Shobogenzo. The work on these particular texts is based upon the literal translations that he worked on with Joshu Dainen roshi at Hakukaze-ji around 1977-78 followed by many years of putting them down, picking them up, and polishing. Naturally, more essential texts such as Uji, Genjokoan, Shinjin Gakudo and some 40 others were completed first and have been given extensive commentaries by the Roshi. This batch of texts includes Baike: Plum Blossoms, Ryugin: Howling Dragon, and Udonge: The Udumbara Blossoming and many others are nearing completion. Annotation details and successfully conveying them across various document formats are the issue at this point.
Work on Bussho: Buddha Nature, a very long and nuanced text by Dogen zenji, is ongoing.
Roshi is also finishing an update to the Saijo Shingi: The Deportment of Radiance, our manual of monastic training standards which is a supplement to the ancient Eihei Shingi and Keizan Shingi.
White Wind Zen Community Website Update
Dharma Assembly: On Karma
Mondo by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi, Presented in April of 1986, River Road Zendo.
Dharma Assembly: Freefall
Dharma Talk presented by Ven. Jinmyo Renge sensei on January 7th, 2007:
Before Thinking (Dharma Talk 68): A Jewel in Bright Light
Dharma Talk by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi presented at Zazen-ji on September 14, 1991:
Teisho by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi, transcript of a teisho presented on May 6, 1986, at River Road Zendo:
Cultivation of the Ground of Mind
Transcript of a teisho Presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, on June 4, 1989:
The Practice of Boards and Stones
Teisho presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, on June 18, 1989:
Difficulty, Strangeness, Beauty
Transcript of a Dharma Talk presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, December 13, 1988:
Standing in the Rain (Tangaryo)
Transcript of Dharma Talk presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, December 15th, 1988:
Transcript of Dharma Talk presented by Ven. Anzan Hoshin roshi at Zazen-ji, November 18, 1989:
Bargeboard Restoration
We received a first detailed quotation for this work of $22,700 plus HST and after receiving other quotations hope to be able to move forward with this project in the spring of 2025. The amount raised to date is $9,800.
From the “Heritage Conservation Glossary”: Bargeboard (bordure de pignon): Boards or other decorative woodwork fixed to the edges or projecting rafters of a gabled roof, sometimes called “gingerbread”.
Being subjected to the extreme fluctuation of Ottawa’s freezing, dry winters and the heat and humidity of summers for 150 years have taken their toll on the monastery’s elaborate gingerbread. Some of it is so old and damaged that it was necessary to take it down before it fell down. Other areas are badly cracked and all of it needs restoration, sanding and repainting.
As all of the gingerbread is four floors up and difficult to access because of the steep pitch of our roofs, this is not work we can do ourselves. It is going to require someone skilled in the use of a “cherry picker” and scaffolding, and will also require excellent carpentry skills as some of the gingerbread will need to be recreated. And so we are beginning the process of finding a company that we can hire to do the work.
Because Dainen-ji is a heritage building, these repairs must be done or we could lose our heritage status.
We will post the estimated cost of the repairs as soon as we have received that information from contractors we are negotiating with. Any amount you can contribute would be gratefully received.
Request for help with upkeep of the monastery grounds
If you would like to help with the upkeep and improvements to the monastery grounds through the summer months your help would be much appreciated. A regular commitment of an hour or two each week would go a long way to keeping the gardens looking good for the sangha and visitors we have at Dainen-ji. Saigyo ino will provide all of the instruction so even if you don't know much about gardening this is no problem. Please write to Saigyo ino at if you would like to get involved. Thank you.
Office of the Tenzo
Dogen zenji taught in the Tenzo Kyokun: Instructions for the Tenzo (Tenzo kyokun: Instructions for the Tenzo | White Wind Zen Community) that the work of preparing and serving meals is "a matter for realized monks who have the mind of the Way“, or by senior disciples who have roused the Way-seeking mind." In alignment with this, part of Zen Master Anzan Hoshin's samu for the Community involves personally overseeing the activities of the ancient Office of Tenzo. Ven. Jinmyo Renge sensei serves as Tenzo and Mishin godo and Saigyo ino offer assistance as tenzo-anja.
The WWZC does not advocate any particular diet. However all meals prepared during practice events, such as Dharma Assemblies, sesshin, or retreats are vegetarian as most people can eat this. On Tuesday evenings there is an optional meat dish, as some people find that a purely vegetarian diet, especially as they get older, is not sufficient for their health. If you are adhering to a strictly vegan diet, you can write to the tenzo, Jinmyo Renge sensei, at a week prior to attending an event to request vegan foods. If you are lactose intolerant or have allergies to foods, you should write to the tenzo about dietary restrictions a week before attending events. The following meals were prepared on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings:
Monday Yakuseki:
Root vegetable oven fries (thin cut rutabaga, sweet potatoes, parsnips and carrots seasoned with smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, sea salt, tossed with bran oil and baked until golden brown); pressed tofu lightly sauteed in bran oil, seasoned with thyme, oregano, smoked paprika, lots of black pepper, then coated with panko breadcrumbs mixed with cream cheese and yogurt, mixed with the same seasonings and baked until golden brown); kale cooked with butter, salt, pepper and red balsamic vinegar.
Tuesday Yakuseki:
Linguini with a Bolognese sauce (slow cooked minced beef and hot Italian sausage meat with San Marzano tomatoes, white wine, minced garlic, and chopped onion, cooked for several hours); salad of chopped romaine lettuce, radicchio, thinly sliced white onion, celery and grated carrot with an optional dressing of ranch-chipotle dressing.
Thursday Yakuseki:
Lundberg Farms short grain brown rice mixed with chickpeas, baby green peas, chopped parsley and butter; Punjabi style tomato soup (Blended San Marzano tomatoes, curry leaves, lemon juice, chickpea flour, Kashmiri chilli powder, and a pinch of sugar; salad of mesclun mix, thinly sliced red onions, black olives, toasted walnuts, crumbled goat cheese and white balsamic vinegar.
Thank You
If you would like to thank someone for a contribution they have made, please feel free to send an email to Jinmyo sensei at rengezo@gmail dot com, but be sure to type "eMirror” in the subject line.
From Mishin godo:
Thank you to Jinmyo sensei for arranging a Dharma Assembly to take place in February, which will be the first time in several years that associate and general students have the opportunity to attend the presentation of a Dharma Talk and to participate in a full day of practice with Sangha. Thank you to Saigyo ino for weekly grocery shopping for the Office of the Tenzo.
From Yujin:
Thank you to Jinmyo sensei for planning and preparing the delicious residents’ meals this week, and for continuing efforts to grow mushrooms at Dainen-ji. Thank you to Mishin godo and Saigyo ino for leading kata during the formal sittings. Thank you to Fushin shuso for taking care of my assigned sanitizing round at Dainen-ji when I was away recently.
From the Office of the Treasurer:
Thank you to Chiso anagarika for a donation.